Sunday, May 23, 2010


I decided to be true to my word and begin clearing out the clutter in my bedroom. I'm about halfway done, and still need to figure out what to do with all the books that I've accumulated in the past 20-something years.

The good news is that I can get to my altars again. Yay! The first thing I did was re-dedicate my hearth area and light some incense. My bedroom smells like roses and cinnamon now.

It also occured to me that I had a lot of catalogs and magazines from up to five years ago. Those things are crazy, because you don't want to throw them away in case you're going to need them later, but more keep coming in month after month. I decided to only save the ones with recipes in them. I put those in a separate box, that way I can sort through them, copy them down on the computer, and then recycle them.

The books are actually in four neat piles now. I'm going to go through my larger bookcase and give a lot of those a home in there, and hopefully next month I'll have another bookcase to house the rest.

I actually got all my Pagan-related books onto one shelf of my short altar bookcase. I'm so happy! Granted, it's not arranged in any particular order aside from the Hellenismos books being in one corner, but at least they're not lying around on my bedroom furniture or in boxes anymore.

More to do tomorrow. I'm enjoying this blitz of productivity.

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